Soon I saw where another had left the island to trot on the lake
Its tracks merged with the others where the wolves had come
nose-to-nose, likely sniffing and nuzzling each other.
They continued north together, one behind the other,
their footnotes of motion fading into the moonlight...
But where were the wolves now? Did they know I was there?
Were their bodies camouflaged among shadows of tree trunks?
Was that my heartbeat I heard or the shuffling of wolf paws on snow?
Jim dale Vickery
Open Spaces
How ironic that we came to culturally encircle the wolf as the wolf once encircled us.
We used to kill the wolf, no questions asked, our hearts spitting lead.
Now we study the wolf, coddle it, sell it and give it room.
Wolves take what room they can and, in return,give back some wilderness we've so skillfully destroyed.

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